Pasadena, California
99 North Chester Ave.
August 14, 1950

To whom it may concern:

This the 14th day of August. 50 years ago today, which was August 14, 1900, I left Virginia the home place of my birth, and early that morning bade farewell to the old homestead near Ceres, Bland County, Virginia, and went to Rural Retreat, Virginia, where Brother Levi and I, with Cousin Bailey Cassell and Charlie Hayton boarded the train for the great Northwest at 2:00 p.m. We left Rural Retreat eastward and thence westward through West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois to Chicago, thence through Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Northern Idaho to Spokane, Washington. Thence south to Oakesdale, Washington, and a few weeks later south into Idaho to Kendrick and Southwick, thence later to Juliaetta, Idaho and adopted the Potlatch country as permanent residence. I taught school the first winter at Union School house on Fix Ridge, 6 miles northwest from Juliaetta. Salary was $40.00 per month. Board cost $8.00 per month at the home of Mr. & Mrs. A.B. Crawfords. March 19, 1901, I filed on a Homestead of 160 acres on the Potlatch River Canyon near Arrow Junction. How swiftly the years have passed by so we realize - "Time Marches On." Here we are at Pasadena, California, in my 13th year. Have made and helped to make 14 [...] of 35,000 personal calls. Have been in the ministry 42 years. Now retired to Minister of Visitation & Supply Pastor occasionally.

Rev A.L. Groseclose

[ Handwritten Original ]

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